Monthly Archives: August 2015

Out with the old, In with the New?

Train up a child …

Out with the Old and in with the New??

No one needs to be told about how rapidly things are changing in our lives! Much of this change can be attributed to the new technology that is constantly becoming available. Recently, a ten-year-old boy talked to me, with apparent fear in his voice, about drones. He was wondering about people looking in his window and seeing him. With his limited amount of knowledge about drones, he was feeling more fear than comfort concerning their use.
There are many who quickly want to abolish what has been done in the past and joyfully embrace every new item that becomes accessible. Others cling stubbornly to the old, fearing what the new is thrusting upon us. Wise folks, on the other hand, will hang on to some of the past and accept the part of the new that is truly beneficial.
Should we be concerned that our educational system is quickly going to the level of dependence on computers that some schools seem to be doing? Recent news of cyber attacks by other countries on our power grids and banks should make us take pause and think seriously about whether we want our children to be totally dependent on technology. Computers serve a wonderful purpose if used correctly, but children need to train their minds to memorize. There are certain basics that all children need irregardless of the fact that they can find dates and other information on the computer. It is the reserve of knowledge in the mind that forms the foundation for decision-making. Mental exercise is important just as physical exercise is important. A child’s mind can become lazy if there is too much dependence on computers and the Internet. On the other hand, why should a child sit and do figuring of numbers over and over when the skill has already been mastered? Why not use a calculator to get the information needed to solve a problem? The determining factor here is the level of skill attained. Is the computer being used as a crutch, or as a tool to facilitate accomplishment? We should maintain enough of the past teaching methods to ensure that our students have basic skills and teach children to use technology as a tool, not the final word. Final decisions should be made by an individual using all the tools and knowledge available.
Some folks stubbornly refuse to accept any new thing. There are actually people who forbid their children to watch any TV! Those same folks would not like to go back to the horse and buggy days! Just as a car can take us to a good place or a bad one, so new inventions can be used for either good or bad. Our chore as parents, grandparents, and teachers is to teach children to use every tool wisely. It is not the invention at fault, but rather the person using that invention who may not be using it wisely.
As for me, I welcome the time when a drone may deliver a pizza to our door, or when we can sit in a car and let it drive itself! A device on my wrist to help me keep track of appointments, etc., is a great idea! We need to pray, however, that we will have the wisdom to pick and choose the good and delete the bad of all that is already here or coming down the pike!

Can we Prepare our Children for Future America?

It is a very short time until our children will be grown and voting citizens.  Are we adequately preparing them for that time?  America has changed a great deal in recent years and is changing every day.

Our children have much they will need to deal with very soon.  They will need to learn to live in a very racially diversified nation.  They will live in a nation even more in debt than at the moment.  They will enjoy even more technology, but at the same time, that technology makes enemies nearer.  The Pacific and Atlantic oceans will no longer be the great shields they have been in the past.

With people streaming across our borders, we must face the fact that many will probably remain here whether or not we would wish it so.  They will compete for jobs and affect the way our schools teach. They will practice their own religion, or no religion.  They may bring diseases our country has never dealt with before.  Border agents tell us that they are being occupied with the illegals while drug cartels send more drugs across the border.  This means the use of more drugs in society.  In many areas of the country, the white race is already a minority.  Children will need to accept other races of people and hopefully do so without giving up Christian principles.

The debt of our nation is mind-boggling.  We are becoming more and more vulnerable to those nations from whom we are borrowing money.  Not only that, we can no longer afford to wage war as we have been able to do, nor do we have the money to help others as in the past.  Social programs have been continuing as our nation borrows and prints more money.  Some of those programs may have to stop.  This means that our children must be educated in such a way as to get jobs to be self-supporting; yet, many of those jobs are not available nor will they be available anytime soon, it would seem, unless something is done immediately.  Our children will possibly have to do without much that they now enjoy.  They will need to learn the difference between needs and wants and how to use money wisely.

The power grids in certain parts of our country have already experienced cyber attacks. Technology is such, even now, that people overseas can hack into our computers and steal our personal information.  Certain countries have sworn to wipe us off the face of the map with missiles or bombs that can reach us.

Not a pretty picture for our children!!  What can we do to prepare them?  The truth is that we cannot totally prepare them. What we can do is to give them a good Spiritual foundation by teaching the Scripture and the value of the Bible and prayer.  We must give them a good basic education and help them become problem-solvers.  We need to teach them to stand their ground in a loving way.  They must learn to be thrifty, hard workers, and resourceful.  They cannot do this and always be comfortable.  They must learn to sacrifice self pleasure when the situation warrants doing so.

What a task we have as adults to prepare our children for future America!