Our Children Face an Uncertain Future

by Pat Lamb (www.patlambchristianauthor.com) Author of: Let the Children Come; Children, Come to Me; When the Stars Fall Down; Widening the Church Doors to Teach the Narrow Way; My Thinking Book (a devotional book for children)

Train up a child…

Our Children Face an Uncertain Future

         There is a lot of concern in our country at the moment about the issues our children and grandchildren will have to face when they become voting age.  Never before has our country been so far in debt.  In recent years, we have seen one disaster after another in our country.  Our concern for the future of our children is justifiable.

         The question naturally follows, “What can we do to prepare our children for their future?”  There are at least three things I would suggest. In all generations, children need to be given a firm spiritual foundation.  In addition, children need to be informed about the happenings in society, and they need a sufficient education to equip them to be able to cope with finances.

         There is an inborn curiosity about where we came from and why we are here.  If this curiosity is not satisfied at an early age, the search continues into adulthood whether admitted or not.  Sometimes the curiosity is suppressed, but many times children grow up and join cults.  Sometimes they place their hope in owning things or gaining prestige.  They may turn to the “god” of popularity.  Any number of things may be chosen as their god. Time, energy, talents, and money are used in the direction chosen.  On the other hand, if children are given a good spiritual foundation in understanding the Bible and its teachings, their lives are turned in the right direction and time, talents, money, and energy are not wasted on things that really do not count in the long run.  Children who grow up with no spiritual foundation are like a ship tossed here and there in a storm.  They have no anchor.  It has been said that if we go whatever way the wind blows, we will someday be caught in a whirlwind.  Children need a strong, secure anchor.

         The spiritual foundation is, without a doubt, the most important thing that children need to face the future.  In addition, children need to be informed about happenings in society.  They cannot handle having all the problems dumped on them at once.  Parents need to take time and explain happenings in small doses as the child is able to handle the information.  Unfortunately, most children grow up with fragments of information gleaned by overhearing parents complain about political situations.  Parents often find it difficult to keep emotions out of discussions involving our country.  It is alright to interject opinions, but to truly understand, it is helpful for children to know how others reason their convictions.  The word “information” is the key.  Children can surprisingly understand much more than we often give them credit for. If we give them facts, they can often reason truth for themselves.

         Our country is behind several other countries in education.  Our children need to be encouraged by parents to have the right attitude toward learning.  Math is so critical in all areas of life.  Of course, reading is important as well, but in recent years more attention has been given to reading and many children are insufficient in math.  Children need to be taught thriftiness at home. By figuring money saved, math is taught.

         We have a gigantic task in front of us to truly prepare the children for what they are facing.  We must give our best effort to do so. 

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